Prince Edward Island Corporate
Profile Reports

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Prince Edward Island Corporate Profile Report for only $14.99 plus government fees. A Prince Edward Island Corporate profile report provides all current public record information for a Corporation in the Prince Edward Island corporate registry system. A Prince Edward Island Corporate profile report includes details such as:

  • Current and former name(s) of the Corporation
  • Legal Status
  • Registered Office and Mailing Address
  • Director, Officer, and/or Shareholder's Names and Addresses
  • Last Document Filed
  • Corporations involved in Amalgamation, if any
  • Extra provincial registration information, etc.

Unlike Articles of Incorporation, an Prince Edward Island corporate profile report is considered the Registry's current reported information about a Company.

Some historical information such as amalgamating corporations, where the subject corporation is an amalgamation, and name history is included in the report.

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3 Hours

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