Canada Sole Proprietorship Business Name Registration. BizFile Canada is your full-service legal & business partner for your business Registrations in Canada. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by an individual. Sole proprietor works for themselves rather than being employed by a company and takes on all legal and financial responsibilities for the business.
A sole proprietor can be a freelancer, running a one-person operation, but they can also subcontract or employ other people. A sole proprietorship is one of the three most common ways of organizing a business in Canada.
BizFile Canada offers a fast & easy Canada sole proprietorship registration service in any Canadian province or territory.
Register Now Your Sole Proprietorship
Alberta Sole Proprietorship Registration
British Columbia Sole Proprietorship Registration
Manitoba Sole Proprietorship Registration
New Brunswick Sole Proprietorship Registration
Northwest Territories Sole Proprietorship Registration
Nunavut Sole Proprietorship Registration
Nova Scotia Sole Proprietorship Registration
Ontario Sole Proprietorship Registration
Prince Edward Island Sole Proprietorship Registration
Quebec Sole Proprietorship Registration
Saskatchewan Sole Proprietorship Registration
Yukon Sole Proprietorship Registration