Canada Business Registrations. BizFile Canada is your full-service legal & business partner for your business registrations in Canada.

Our Canada Business Filings and Registrations:

  • Accurate and Efficient
  • Electronic Confirmation
  • Competitive Rates. We offer some of the most competitive rates on the market with no hidden
  • processing, or ‘delivery’ fees!

BizFile Canada assists domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and small businesses with the registrations of business names, sole proprietorships, and partnerships in all of Canada. As the trusted choice for online business registration services, we offer a comprehensive set of business registration services such as:

Canada Sole proprietorship Business Name Registration $99 plus government fees

A sole proprietorship is a business owned by an individual. Sole proprietor works for themselves rather than being employed by a company and takes on all legal and financial responsibilities for the business. A sole proprietor can be a freelancer, running a one-person operation, but they can also subcontract or employ other people.

Register Your New Sole Proprietorship Business Name Fast, Easy, Online

Canada Business Name Registration $99 plus government fees

A business name does not have a legal existence in its own right. It is simply a name used by one or more persons to represent their business to the public. That means the sole proprietor or partners are personally responsible for the debts and obligations of the business. Registering a business name does not grant any right of ownership of the name. It is simply proof that the name is being used by a particular business. BizFile Canada offers a fast & easy business name registration service for corporations in any Canadian province or territory.

Register Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Canada General Partnership Registrations

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy general partnership registration in Canada for only $99.99 plus government fees. A general partnership is a business established by two or more owners. It is the default business structure for multiple owners the same way that a sole proprietorship is default for solo entrepreneurs. The owners of a general partnership can be individuals or corporations—or both. With no formal documents required, general partnerships are simple and inexpensive to create. All the company needs is a registered trade name, a registered tax number to pay applicable taxes, and a bank account. At the outset, partners should outline their respective powers, ownership shares, and capital contribution, as well as the profit distribution and operating procedures for the business.

Register Your new General Partnership in Canada. Fast, Easy, Online

Canada Limited Partnership Registrations - LP Registration USD $1970 (All-Inclusive)

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy Canada Limited Partnership registration for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive). A limited partnership in Canada is a form of partnership made up of one or more general partners with unlimited liability that manage the business and one or more limited partners with limited liability but typically no right to manage the business.

Register Now Your LP in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Canada Limited Liability Registration - LLP Registration USD $1970 (All-Inclusive)

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy Canada Limited Liability Partnership Registration - LLP Registration registration for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive). A limited liability partnership is a partnership in which some or all partners have limited liabilities. It therefore can exhibit elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, each partner is not responsible or liable for another partner's misconduct or negligence.

Register Your LLP in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online.