Canada Corporate Filings and business registrations. BizFile Canada is your full-service legal & business partner for your business filings and updates.

Our Canada Business Filings and Registrations:

  • Accurate and Efficient
  • Electronic Confirmation
  • Competitive Rates. We offer some of the most competitive rates on the market with no hidden
  • processing, or ‘delivery’ fees!

BizFile Canada assists domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and small businesses with the formation of corporations & corporate filings and updates in all of Canada. As the trusted choice for online incorporation and corporate filing services, we offer a comprehensive set of business filings and updates such as:

Canada Domestic Incorporation Service $199 plus government fees

Canada Incorporation Service. Incorporate a new corporation in Canada, fast, easy, and online. A corporation — or company, as it is called in some jurisdictions — is a legal entity, created by statute, that is used to carry on a business and exists separate in law from its owners. By incorporating, you bring that legal entity into existence. In Canada, a business can be incorporated under either federal or provincial law. The only requirements are that you complete and file the necessary documentation in accordance with the governing legislation/

Incorporate Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Canada Domestic Extra-Provincial Registration

An extra-provincial company is a body corporate that is not incorporated in the province. For example, a federal company is, by definition, an extra-provincial company. An extra-provincial company is required to register in the province if it is carrying on an undertaking/ business activity. An extra-provincial company must be registered before it commences business in the province. BizFile Canada offers a fast & easy extra-provincial registration service in any Canadian province or territory.

Register Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Canada Foreign Company Registration

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy Foreign company registration in Canada for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive). Registration of offshore companies, foreign companies, and foreign extra-provincial companies in Canada is a very profitable option, which allows one to quickly develop a company starting from scratch or provide opportunities for multiple increases in the number of consumers for the currently existing business.

Register Your Foreign Company in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Branch Registration in Canada

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy branch registration in Canada for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive). A foreign corporation can do business in Canada through a branch office after obtaining the necessary licenses and registering itself in the registries system of its desired jurisdiction of registration. When foreign corporations want to do business in the Canadian market, they take the route of establishing a business entity in Canada in the form of a branch office. Branch offices are only an extension of the foreign parent company in the Canadian jurisdiction. The branch office is not legally distinct from the parent company, and the parent company can be exposed to debts, liabilities, and obligations of the branch office. This is the reason why they are not considered separate legal entities. Branch offices have become popular among foreign jurisdictions because of the tax advantages offered by Canada.

Register Now Your Branch in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Subsidiary Registration in Canada

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy subsidiary company registration in Canada for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive). A subsidiary is simply a Canadian corporation whose controlling or sole shareholder is a foreign corporation. The subsidiary can apply for extra-provincial registrations to operate in other provinces from where they are incorporated.

Most non-resident investors prefer a subsidiary as it separates liability between the Canadian business and the parent company, generally freeing the parent company from responsibility for debts, losses, or legal liabilities. A subsidiary is simply a Canadian corporation whose controlling or sole shareholder is another corporation. The subsidiary can apply for extra-provincial registrations to operate in other provinces from where they are incorporated. Additionally, the subsidiary can follow separate business opportunities and initiate its own contractual arrangements.

Register Your Subsidiary in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online.

Foreign LLC Registration in Canada

BizFile Canada offers fast & easy foreign LLC registration in Canada for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive). As Canada is the number one trading partner of the United States, with a common language, educated workforce, and similar economic and political systems, US companies that are starting to expand internationally often start in a Canadian province. Canada does not have a limited liability company (LLC) law, for that reason US LLCs usually register under the provincial corporation law, and additional requirements must be fulfilled.

Register Your Foreign LLC in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online

Non-Resident Incorporation Service

Canada is one of the most popular business destinations for global entrepreneurs. BizFile Canada offers fast & easy non-resident incorporation service for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive).
We help thousands of foreign entrepreneurs each year to successfully register and start their new businesses in Canada.

Register Your new company in Canada as a Non-Canadian resident Now. Fast, Easy, Online