Canada Limited Liability Partnership Registration USD $1970 (Al-Inclusive). BizFile Canada is your full-service legal & business partner for your business Registrations in Canada. LLPs combine the flexible structure of a partnership with the benefits for its members of limited liability. An LLP owns the assets of the business and is liable for its own debts, and the members act as its agents and only have liability up to the amount they have contributed to the LLP.
In Canada, two or more people can start a business as a limited liability partnership. BizFile Canada offers a fast & easy limited liability partnership registration.
- A limited partnership in Canada needs to have at least two members who can be natural persons or companies.
- One of the members of the partnership shall be the general partner who shall be legally liable for the partnership’s debts and liabilities.
- Other members will be benefitted from the limited liability of the members
- There is no bar on the minimum capital requirement for a limited partnership in Canada.
- The partners are free to decide on the contribution they wish to make to the partnership
- There are no restrictions on the income earned from outside Canada.
Our Limited Liability Partnership Registration Service includes:
- Name Search confirming the uniqueness of the name
- Government registration fee
- Registered office address for one year
- Declaration Of registration of the Limited Liability Partnership
- Organizational Resolutions of the General Partners
- Resolution Admitting of Limited Partner
- Limited Liability Partnership Agreement
- Register of General Partners
- Register of Limited Partners