Canada Branch Registration and business registrations. BizFile Canada is your full-service legal & business partner for your business Registrations in Canada
Our Canada Branch Registration:
BizFile Canada assists global entrepreneurs and foreign companies with the process of registering and maintaining a new company in Canada. We offer fast & easy branch registration in Canada for only USD 1970 (All-Inclusive).
A foreign corporation can do business in Canada through a branch office after obtaining the necessary licenses and registering itself in the registries system of its desired jurisdiction of registration. When foreign corporations want to do business in the Canadian market, they take the route of establishing a business entity in Canada in the form of a branch office. Branch offices are only an extension of the foreign parent company in the Canadian jurisdiction. The branch office is not legally distinct from the parent company, and the parent company can be exposed to debts, liabilities, and obligations of the branch office. This is the reason why they are not considered separate legal entities. Branch offices have become popular among foreign jurisdictions because of the tax advantages offered by Canada.
Register Your Branch Company in Canada Now. Fast, Easy, Online
Our Canada Branch Registration Service Includes: