Canada business name registration. BizFile Canada is your full-service legal & business partner for your business Registrations in Canada. A business name does not have a legal existence in its own right. It is simply a name used by one or more persons to represent their business to the public. That means the sole proprietor or partners are personally responsible for the debts and obligations of the business. Registering a business name does not grant any right of ownership of the name. It is simply proof that the name is being used by a particular business. BizFile Canada offers a fast & easy business name registration service for sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations in any Canadian province or territory.
Register Now Your Business Name
Alberta Business Name Registration
British Columbia Business Name Registration
Manitoba Business Name Registration
New Brunswick Business Name Registration
Northwest Territories Business Name Registration
Nunavut Business Name Registration
Nova Scotia Business Name Registration
Ontario Business Name Registration
Prince Edward Island Business Name Registration
Quebec Business Name Registration
Saskatchewan Business Name Registration
Yukon Business Name Registration